Äntligen har jag fått min nya fina gula Team Rynkebycykel. På varje cykel som levererades hängde en påse med diverse tillbehör. Döm om min förvåning när jag i min påse hittade ett brev bara till mig. Det löd så här:
Dear Mr Demnert
As we can see, you are the no. 5000 Team Rynkeby member that we sponsor with a Bianchi bike. We have also heard that you are the oldest cyclist in your team.
Therefor we´d like to surprise you with a gift. A special bike only for you. Maybe you know, maybe not, but Bianchi have developed a small electric device to make cycling easier.
The device detects your watts in the treadles and when it excesses 250 watts the electric device starts to give extra power.
Your bike is the only Rynkeby bike with this device, so please enjoy it, especially at Mur de Huy and when you climb over the Ardennes.
We wish you good luck and a pleasent tour from Sweden to Paris with your new special Bianchi bike.
Best regards,
Treviglio, Italy, 2015-04-01
Vittorio Truffatori
Det var ju minst sagt en överraskning. Turen till Paris känns helt plötsligt väldigt genomförbar.
Tack snälla Mr Truffatori och Bianchi.