Jag heter Göran Demnert och är numera heltidsproffs. Endast sponsrad av Pensionsmyndigheten. Kort sagt är jag pensionär. Men möjligen bara på utsidan. Har bloggat sedan 2006, så många tusen funderingar har det blivit.

Började cykla vintern 2013 och har sedan dess cyklat Vätternrundan åtta gånger. Hittills. Har även cyklat till Paris sex gånger med Team Rynkeby Stockholm.

Förutom cykling har jag på ålderns höst fastnat för triathlon. I september 2022 ska jag göra min sjunde start i en halv Ironmandistans. Numera i age group 70-75

onsdag, april 21, 2010

Det kom ett mail igen (bland alla andra)


My name is Sylviane , I am French and I am one of the French people who helped Marie-Laure organise the transport from Stockholm to Paris on Monday and arrived yesterday near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

I just wanted to thank you so much for helping us out in that entreprise. Thank you for trusting us as we are not professionnals, we are just tourists who wanted to go home (well, staying in Stockholm is fantastic but we had to get back to work!!!). Everything went very well, it was just perfect! the coach was comfortable and the drivers Mikael and Jonny were very friendly and did very well. I guess they deserve a few days off after driving so far away ;-) I hope the return trip is going well too.

Well, thank you so much! Tack sa mycket! You've done a great job! You were very helpful to us as the embassy didn't feel concerned at all and didn't organise anything. and apparently french coach companies couldn't be bothered to drive as far as Stockholm!!!

I was already in love with Sweden and found Swedish people very nice and welcoming... well, you've confirmed the good opinion I had on your people.

tack sa mycket!!!